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    Columbia Campus
  Feb 19, 2025
2015-2016 Undergraduate Bulletin 
2015-2016 Undergraduate Bulletin [Archived Catalog]

College of Hospitality, Retail, and Sport Management

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Brian L. Mihalik, Dean
Andy Gillentine, Associate Dean
Ercan Sirakaya-Turk, Associate Dean of Research and Graduate Studies
Kathy Smiling, Assistant Dean of Student Services
Marianne Bickle, Chair, Department of Retailing
Matthew T. Brown, Chair, Department of Sport and Entertainment Management
Rich Harrill, Acting Director, School of Hotel, Restaurant, and Tourism Management
Elizabeth Regan, Chair, Integrated Information Technology

Faculty  Graduation
Degree Programs Attendance Requirements
Entrance Requirements Departments and Programs
Progression Requirements Website

Degree Programs

The College of Hospitality, Retail, and Sport Management offers baccalaureate degrees in:


Entrance Requirements

The College of Hospitality, Retail, and Sport Management has a pre-professional and a professional division of student classification. All new students will begin in the pre-professional division. Progression into the professional division requires the approval of the department and the successful completion of the requirements indicated under each departmental heading.

In addition to the academic admission requirements of the University and of the College of Hospitality, Retail, and Sport Management for admission to the pre-professional division, an enrollment limit into the professional division may be imposed by various departments. Such a limit would become necessary if enrollment levels exceed available department staffing and facility resources. In the event of an enrollment limit, admission to a department may take into account the applicant’s grade point average and other factors which may include the applicant’s potential for success in that major.

Freshmen Students. In order to be admitted to a program of study in the College of Hospitality, Retail, and Sport Management, freshmen applicants must meet all University admission requirements through the Office of Undergraduate Admissions.

Transfer Students. In order to be admitted to a program of study in the College of Hospitality, Retail, and Sport Management, transfer applicants from outside of the USC system must meet all University admission requirements through the Office of Undergraduate Admissions and have at least a 2.25 GPA. The Sport and Entertainment Management major requires a higher GPA than the minimum University entrance standards. Transfer applicants for Sport and Entertainment must have a cumulative GPA of a 3.0 on all college-level work attempted.

Students from other USC campuses who wish to enter the College of Hospitality, Retail, and Sport Management must fulfill one of the following requirements:

1. Be in good standing, meet all University admission requirements through the Office of Undergraduate Admissions, and have the cumulative GPA required for the program (see below).
2. Be in good standing and have completed 30 semester hours with the cumulative GPA required for the program (see below).

*Required GPA for Change of Campus: hospitality management - 2.25; integrated information technology - 2.25; interdisciplinary studies (2.0 and separate application required); retailing - 2.25; tourism management - 2.25; and sport and entertainment management - 3.0.

Students enrolled in other colleges on the Columbia campus must meet the following GPA requirements on all work taken:hospitality management - 2.25; integrated information technology - 2.25; interdisciplinary studies (2.0 and separate application required); retailing - 2.25; tourism management - 2.25; and sport and entertainment management - 3.0.

Progression Requirements

The requirements for continuing scholastic eligibility are determined by the statement on academic standing covering suspension, probation, and graduation as stated in the University bulletin. Acceptance to the professional division is based upon courses completed, GPA, and where applicable, practicum performance. Progression requirements for individual departments are specified under each department heading.


To be eligible for graduation, students in the College of Hospitality, Retail, and Sport Management must meet all course requirements, be in good standing, and meet any specific departmental requirements as well as University requirements. A minimum grade of C is required in English 101, 102 and all departmental courses used to satisfy major or professional area requirements. Individual departments may stipulate additional courses that require a minimum grade in order to be applied toward that major.

Any additional departmental requirements are indicated under each departmental heading.

Attendance Requirements

When students enroll in a particular course, they obligate themselves for all of the work which may be assigned. Absences, excused or not, do not absolve students of this responsibility. Punctual and regular attendance is vital to the discharge of this obligation.

Faculty members will notify students specifically of the attendance policy they intend to follow in each class. An instructor may impose a grade penalty for absence in excess of 10 percent of regularly scheduled class meetings.

Departments and Programs

Click the links below to view programs and courses administered by each department.

Integrated Information Technology  

Interdisciplinary Studies (College of Hospitality, Retail, and Sport Management)  


Sport and Entertainment Management  

School of Hotel, Restaurant and Tourism Management Interdisciplinary Studies (College of Hospitality, Retail, and Sport Management)  

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